National University of Physical Education and Sports (UNEFS): The National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest (UNFES) is one of the oldest public institutions founded in Europe, which offers each year degree programs – bachelor, master and doctoral programs, to about 800 students, in the physical education, sports and kinesitherapy areas of studies. The high level of educational services are recognized by the Romanian Agency of Quality in Higher Education.
UNEFS is the main provider of educational programs for the future specialists in physical education and sport areas, from Romania. Its over 90 years of experience in higher education is oriented to the education quality and to the academic community performances, being confirmed by the important number of graduates who have become famous and appreciated in many countries of the world.
By understading the athletes special educational needs, UNEFS obtained accreditation for an extramural bachelor degree program – Sport and Performance specialisation, able to provide higher education services for elite athletes. The main condition for accreditation was the using of e-learning platform by the students and by the teaching staff. So, since 2013, UNEFS has its own platform and develops every year new digital content for different study subjects.The UNEFS teaching staff has participated in different continuing education programs concerning the using of e-learning platform in higher education.